Running In Place
10/09 - 29/10/2022
Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, David Horvitz, Onur Karaoğlu
Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, David Horvitz, Onur Karaoğlu
Protocinema presents Running In Place, a group exhibition with Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, David Horvitz, Onur Karaoğlu, at & in partnership with Polat Piyalepaşa Çarşı, supported by the United States Mission – Turkey, opening to the public on Saturday, September 10. This exhibition convenes artworks on circulation of ideas, water and bodies along with their inherent contradictions. The artists in Running In Placeoccupy three positions - Santiago Muñoz’s is that of suspension, Horvitz’s of regulated mobility, and Karaoğlu’s of free-flowing forces of nature and imagination.
Generally, circulation is considered good - good for healthy societies, oceans, and human bodies. The current dissonance lies in extremes of hyper-movement and restricted mass-movement. Globalism has maximized its force of flight for the survival of many, on the one hand, and liberty of transit by class and nationhood, on the other hard. This grotesque dissonance of circulation holds humanity captive, frenetically running in place. An early video by Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Todo lleva a nada (Everything leads to nothing, 2003), “shows a group of girls in a normally isolated part of the island of Puerto Rico become even more so when a bridge that connects them to town is damaged. They perform fantasies of escape and return.”[1] Pacing and loitering, bright young minds fill their time lethargically lounging or trying on adult shoes while the rain and sun fall. We get a short glimpse of the washed-out bridge while the majority of what we see are girls looking at each other while we look at them. There is a painful elongation of time, every minute feels like it lasts hours, which is all too familiar. As we know, limitation of mobility, space, and time, limits the living of life.
Generally, circulation is considered good - good for healthy societies, oceans, and human bodies. The current dissonance lies in extremes of hyper-movement and restricted mass-movement. Globalism has maximized its force of flight for the survival of many, on the one hand, and liberty of transit by class and nationhood, on the other hard. This grotesque dissonance of circulation holds humanity captive, frenetically running in place. An early video by Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Todo lleva a nada (Everything leads to nothing, 2003), “shows a group of girls in a normally isolated part of the island of Puerto Rico become even more so when a bridge that connects them to town is damaged. They perform fantasies of escape and return.”[1] Pacing and loitering, bright young minds fill their time lethargically lounging or trying on adult shoes while the rain and sun fall. We get a short glimpse of the washed-out bridge while the majority of what we see are girls looking at each other while we look at them. There is a painful elongation of time, every minute feels like it lasts hours, which is all too familiar. As we know, limitation of mobility, space, and time, limits the living of life.