“Meydan”, area, the place where one is and its environment, in public, the place of encounters, possibility, time, stage, in sight, the place a call is made, open space, the place where people meet, where one is seen, one that is shown.
Deniz Gül’s site specific installation “Meydan” encompasses her recent works in which she seeks occasions to examine the interrelations of the becoming of a corporeal being, in the form of writing. While suggesting approaching surfaces as the space opened by proximity and touch, Gül is interested in the possibilities of conceiving writing as a form of touching.
Deniz Gül’s site specific installation “Meydan” encompasses her recent works in which she seeks occasions to examine the interrelations of the becoming of a corporeal being, in the form of writing. While suggesting approaching surfaces as the space opened by proximity and touch, Gül is interested in the possibilities of conceiving writing as a form of touching.